
Holy Macaroni!

Just a favorite expression.



For those unfamiliar with Frog and Toad, I recommend you pick up any one of Arnold Lobel’s four compilations. Nearly all of his reptilian short stories can be enjoyed by adults and children alike.

One such story, Cookies, concludes with a teachable moment about willpower. I won’t give away the story, but limiting sugary goods is a recurring theme. Following a recent reading, this was a conversation we had with Eitan…

Mama: How about we dress up as Frog and Toad? I can be Toad, Dada can be Frog, and you can be willpower.

Eitan: No, I will be Toad. You be willpower!


A (very) Personal Story

We’ve had a “mama” few weeks, and it’s hard to find a time to myself, even to use the bathroom. Earlier today, Eitan came charging in while I was peeing. I got up to wipe myself and he (of course) noticed the tampon string hanging down. “Why string?” he asked, as I tried to shield myself and he walked along with me to get a better view.

“Well…”, I gave him the simplest, briefest, off-the-cuff explanation I could.

“Hurt?” he wondered.

“No,” I responded, “it doesn’t hurt going in or coming out”.

“How does poop come out?” he asked. Another excellent question!

“It comes out a different hole,” I replied.

“Ok mama,” he said, and then jumped up singing David Melech using the wrong tune. Is it strange that this story makes me happy?


Eitan’s Humor

For Rosh Hashanah, Papa made an apple challah in the shape of a spiral. When we first saw it, Dada started saying “That looks…”. You could tell he was about to say “amazing” or “delicious”. Instead, Eitan interjected “like a poop!” We all burst out laughing, including Eitan. It kind-of did, but it was also delicious.


A New Phrase

When Eitan first started school, he came home saying “so much for that idea” A LOT. We wondered what made the teachers say that!


The little old lady

We were reading Goodnight Moon to Eitan during cozy time, before bed. Rich got to the part “and the little old lady”, and then took a breath. Eitan interjected “from Pasadena”.

We all got a good laugh.


My Little Boy

Dodo has become Eitan’s “little boy”. What does that entail, you ask?

Keep wild animals away.

Make sure Dodo doesn’t get hurt.

Hold Dodo’s hand so he doesn’t run away.


Ball, stop!

After a fantastic round of T-ball, Eitan and Dada played a little catch. When Dada missed the ball, Eitan created a new game. Dada was ejected from the backyard. It was now only Eitan and the ball. Once the ball got rolling, we were treated to this little back and forth:

Eitan: Ball, stop!

Mama: Can it hear you?

Eitan: No. It doesn’t have a mouth.

Life lessons for us all.


Make Me Funny

Eitan created this cute little turn of phrase today. The exact quote was: “Dodo makes me funny!” We’re pretty sure he means that Dodo makes him laugh.

Note from Hannah: Eitan continues to say this, whenever something makes him laugh: “make me funny!”


Three Bathrooms

Following construction of one of the recent block homes Eitan likes to build (and subsequently demolish), we were given a tour. The home had one bedroom, one kitchen, and THREE bathrooms. Why three, you may wonder?

One bathroom for pee.

One bathroom for poop.

One bathroom for diarrhea.

Eitan, laughing hysterically

Needless to say, “diarrhea” has become one of Eitan’s new favorite words.