Ideas Thoughts


A few months back, Eitan enjoyed a day of “Wings and Wands” during a fairytale-inspired day at school. Since then, he’ll randomly whip out his gear and run around yelling, “Wings and wands! Wings and wands!”

More recently, I was gifted this entertaining interaction:

Eitan: How are we going to move this (toy) truck? Magic!

Whooshing noises.

Eitan: I’m not magic! I need my wand…

Runs off.



Eitan: “I hid hummus under the couch”

Mama (not believing him but happy to have a conversation): “Oh no! Did you know hummus is made from peas?”
Eitan: “Oh”
Mama: “Chick peas”
Eitan: “Oh”
Mama: “Or you can call them garbanzo beans”
Eitan: “I have to think about that”

Ideas Thoughts


Eitan: “When you at work, I pee with Dada. When you home, I pee with you”

Ok… but really? Can’t Dada handle a pee now and then while I’m in the house?


Big Doings

Whenever we see construction, we yell “Big doings!” I noticed recently Eitan pronounces this “Big Doozings!” I thought this was cute.


Chinese New Year

We received an email from Schechter about their preparation for celebrating Chinese New Year. Apparently, Pilim is making a dragon for a parade and rabbit hats. Mama reacted: “I’m so glad we’re sending him to this Jewish school to learn Pagan rituals.” Eitan replied, “It’s ALL going to happen, Mama.”

I’m pretty sure he’s speaking from a parade standpoint and not a theological one.



Eitan doesn’t always draw anything specific. In fact, when we ask him what he drew, more often than not we get the answer: “it’s only beautiful.” So true!



Eitan is in transition. At school, we’re told he sleeps during rest time. At home? Not so much. Here’s an exchange following a recent rest time at home.

Eitan: Are Nana and Papa here?

Me: Not yet. It’s still still early. You didn’t sleep.

Eitan. I slept. I sleep with my eyes open.

Eitan proceeds to shove his face, eyes wide open, into my own.

Eitan: And I talk when I sleep.


The Forest

We went for a hike yesterday at the Building Department. First we looked at the trucks, of course, but it was very windy and uncomfortable. I said “once we get in the trees it will be less windy”.

Eitan replied, “the trees aren’t open, mama.” So true!

“Sorry, I meant the forest.”

Dada added, “that’s open for business!”


A New Game

Eitan invented a game where you roll a ball, run to get it, and run back to the starting point. While running back you have to yell “Run for your life!” So many things to learn at school, and probably not everything from the teachers!


The Chef

“That don’t look like challah, mama. You gotta do more to that”