

We didn’t get a three-nager, we got a four-nager! The other day I had to wake Eitan up for school. I got the following response, “I’m not waking up, you Bummer!”

His actual teenage years will be interesting….


New York

We recently took Eitan on his first trip to Manhattan. We saw our dear friends from Israel and had a wonderful time exploring the city. Eitan still talks about the trip a lot, but he refers to it as our “You Nork” trip. It is the cutest mistake!

Ideas Questions Thoughts

Loving Shabbat

To continue our Christian versus Jewish discussions, Eitan recently became aware that Rich’s parents are not Jewish.

Eitan: “What holidays do Ooma and Oompa have?”

Mama: “Well, they don’t have as many as us. Ooma and Oompa celebrate Christmas and Easter”

Eitan: “Keep telling me”

Mama: “That’s it”

*shocked silence* Note: this was during the Days of Awe

… several days go by …

Eitan: “Ooma and Oompa don’t celebrate Shabbat?”

Mama: “No, they don’t have Shabbat”

Eitan: “That makes me sad for them”

Mama: “It warms my heart that you love Shabbat so much”

Papa: “It warms my heart that you are thinking about how other people feel!”

Questions Thoughts


Eitan is starting to become very interested in categorizing people. Boy/girl, old/young, Jewish/not. He recently became aware that his Dada converted to Judaism; it was never a secret, but it doesn’t come up much. To summarize a long conversation:

Eitan: “You used to be Christian and then you became Jewish, Dada?”

Dada: “That’s right”

Eitan: “Did you need to get a shot?”

Some things are just always on our mind…


Decision Maker

Nana, in the car: “Eitan, would you like to sleep in a big bed some day?”

Eitan: “I don’t know; my mama makes those decisions”


Change of Plans

While we were driving back to Sudbury one afternoon, we had this conversation.

Mama: “After you go to sleep tonight I need to make deli roll”

Eitan: “How about you go to sleep and I make it?! I don’t know how, but it’s going to be noisy!”

Phrasing Thoughts

He knows what we’re thinking

At dinner, we were discussing Nana and Mama’s old hairdresser and his ultra-demanding wife.

Mama said: “Yeah, the only thing I remember about was that she was a…”

Short silence, as Mama tries to decide what to say.

Eitan: “Pain in the butt!”

We all burst out laughing.

Eitan: “I knew that was going to be funny!”


The Real World

Eitan: “Mama can I ask you something?”

Mama: “Sure”

Eitan: “That man in the [other] car was lighting a candle …. in his mouth”



Eitan: “Mut”

At least he’s drinking it now!


Love is Boundless

Dada: “I love you to the edge of the universe and back, Eitan”

Eitan: “I love you to Connecticut and back! In a rainstorm!”