We recently woke up to 6 inches of snow outside.
I was lying in bed when he went down the stairs and this is what I heard:
“Wow so high oh my Lord the plows are done we can drive”
Eitan the weatherman’s stream of consciousness….
We recently woke up to 6 inches of snow outside.
I was lying in bed when he went down the stairs and this is what I heard:
“Wow so high oh my Lord the plows are done we can drive”
Eitan the weatherman’s stream of consciousness….
Sometimes Eitan shows absolutely no emotion. Maybe it’s hysterical because most of the time – as a 5 year old – his emotions overflow. This interaction had me laughing for hours.
We were reading before bed with Eitan the other night. He usually has some dessert at this point, but I think he’s growing because he requested an ice cream and a sunbutter sandwich. Rich speculated that would be a bad idea, but I overruled him.
A few minutes later, after defrosting the bread in the microwave, Rich brings up the requested food. Eitan eats the ice cream first (good kid) and then moves onto the open-faced sandwich.
Eitan: “It’s too hot.”
Dada: “It can’t be too hot; I defrosted it 5 minutes ago”
Eitan, touching it again, “But it is”
Dada: “It can’t be.”
Eitan touches it again. Several seconds go by with him just looking at me, touching his sandwich.
I burst out laughing; Eitan starts laughing hysterically causing him to drop his sandwich, which of course lands face down on his blanket.
Then he bursts into tears like his usual 5-year-old self.
The other day, on the way to school, I point out a massive beehive to Eitan. He asked, “how do bees make the beehive?”
Mama: What a great question! I don’t really know. Maybe you can ask Mr. Steve.
Eitan: do they look online?
Mama: No. Bees don’t talk or read. They know how to make a hive instinctively. Do you know what that means?
Eitan: No.
Mama: It means that they can do it without know how. Like when you walk, you don’t need to look it up. You just do it.
When Eitan comes home from school, he tends to wander around the house for a bit. I think he is ensuring nothing major has changed.
Recently, while unpacking his backpack, we hear from the dining room “Oooooo yum YUUUUM!”
Eitan had found the Oreos I left out. I found him sitting in my chair, helping himself.
Nana changed her purse for the fall to a very large bag with a lot of compartments. She was very excited to show Eitan. When he saw it, his reaction was: “Oh my God, your bag is big.” He sounded just like an adult!
What he says when he’s trying to say “where am I?”, mostly in reference to Mario Kart 🙂
Eitan is very good at picking up phrases. Here is his (and our) current favorite: “if I do say so myself”
He sometimes uses it appropriately.
We “check” Eitan five times at night before he goes to sleep. There’s always too much conversation during these checks, but this was one of my favorites.
Eitan: “Mama can I ask you something?”
Me: “Anything”
Eitan: “I love you more than anyone in my class”
Me: “I love you more than anyone in the universe”
Eitan: “I love you that too”
Eitan recently (and briefly) stopped eating MadeGood bars. We asked why and his response was, “they’re too chocolate chippity.”
Eitan’s ability to pick up idioms is impressive – at least to us old people. The other day, Rich pointed out to me that some mold appeared to be growing on some dried flowers. Eitan came over to take a look but after about one second declared, “I don’t want to be involved in this.”
Me neither, kid.