
Ball, stop!

After a fantastic round of T-ball, Eitan and Dada played a little catch. When Dada missed the ball, Eitan created a new game. Dada was ejected from the backyard. It was now only Eitan and the ball. Once the ball got rolling, we were treated to this little back and forth:

Eitan: Ball, stop!

Mama: Can it hear you?

Eitan: No. It doesn’t have a mouth.

Life lessons for us all.


Make Me Funny

Eitan created this cute little turn of phrase today. The exact quote was: “Dodo makes me funny!” We’re pretty sure he means that Dodo makes him laugh.

Note from Hannah: Eitan continues to say this, whenever something makes him laugh: “make me funny!”


Three Bathrooms

Following construction of one of the recent block homes Eitan likes to build (and subsequently demolish), we were given a tour. The home had one bedroom, one kitchen, and THREE bathrooms. Why three, you may wonder?

One bathroom for pee.

One bathroom for poop.

One bathroom for diarrhea.

Eitan, laughing hysterically

Needless to say, “diarrhea” has become one of Eitan’s new favorite words.


My First Joke

Today, Eitan told his first joke!

Why did the animal go inside?

To talk!


We were sitting in our “tent” – a blanket draped over a set of chairs – when he spurt it out. Eitan proceeded to ask me to tell Dodo jokes, to which I responded with your typical “why did the chicken cross the road?” bit. When that didn’t get any laughs, Eitan tried his hand at comedy for a second time.

Why did the animal go through the wall?

I don’t know.


This continued for a while as it seemed more and more likely that his first attempt at spoken humor had been a fluke. That is, until Dada helped him along.

Why did the animal go through the wall?

To talk to the animal coming through the roof!

Eitan & Dada

He continued to repeat that chestnut the rest of the evening.


Cute Little Fellow

Dodo will forever be known as the cute little fellow. No idea where this came from.


Why big big socks?

While donning booties during a recent house project, Eitan believed the ridiculously large, blue floor protectors to be socks; really, really big ones.


Dodo Gets Me

While waiting for us to put on our shoes before heading out, Eitan squeezed his bear (affectionately named Dodo) and exclaimed that the inanimate object really understands him.


Conversations with Siri

At any given time while receiving direction’s from Apple’s Siri, this is the conversation we receive from the back seat of the car:

Siri: At the light, turn left.

Eitan: No…

Siri: Continue straight.

Eitan: No.

Siri: In 500 feet, turn right.

Eitan: No!

Suffice to say, we will continue to leave “Hey Siri” disabled.


Baby out!

This morning started off like any other morning. Snack at 8:15. Circle Time at 10:00. Even lunch went off without a hitch, albeit the little boy partook of more of the sustenance due to the availably of pita and “hoo-moos” (a new favorite). But cozy time? Well, that’s a story worthy of a blog post.

Our guy takes a while to settle down post lunch. Books, a fight to put on his sleeper bag, more books, another fight to actually put the sleeper on. And so it went on this Monday, the seventeenth of January. That is, until Dada required use of the facilities.

Eitan took the suggestion like a champ. In his sleeper, he retained all three sponge toys as Dada placed him on the mat next to the shower. A few minutes went by as Eitan played peacefully and happily.

Then, it hit. “Hmmph. Hmmph.” His nose pointed up. I could see it in his eyes. “What is that smell, Dada?” But before I could blink, Eitan forwent with the quandary. Instead: “Baby out!”

Escape was only moments away and the entire adventure delayed nap time a measly five minutes or less, but this baby was done. Sometimes, you can avoid panic like this. But, sometimes, the old mantra rings true: when you gotta go, you gotta go.


First Spelling Lesson

Mama: E-I-T-A-N. What does that spell?

Eitan: Baby!