
My Best

Eitan really hates water on his sippy cup. The problem is that most of the time it is his spit. So every time he takes a drink, there’s more water! We recently had this conversation:

Mama: “Eitan, what do you do at school about water on your cup?”

Eitan: “My best”

This might be difficult to parse, but this is my guess. When Eitan complains about water on his cup at school, his teachers say “Just do your best.” Apparently, he does!


Counting is Hard

Eitan insisted we count to one hundred together today. I was all in and started counting with him. His participation was variable, but meaningful. When we got to 88 he took a deep breath and said, “you count to one hundred. I out of me breath.” And I did!



We were reading a Chanukah story recently (Hanukkah Hamster) which describes the lovely beaches of Tel Aviv. In an aside I said to Eitan, “You know, it never snows in Tel Aviv.” He answered with a very yiddishkeit accent, “What?!”

The other good part of this story is that Rich argued that it does sometimes snow in Tel Aviv. I looked it up later, and Rich was correct. In 1950, it snowed in Tel Aviv for “several minutes”.



Rough Transitions

We’ve started to do more things with Eitan now that he can mask well. It’s been a harder transition for him than we anticipated. Recently, we planned a trip into Boston to visit Mrs. Mallard and a chocolate store. He really wasn’t into it. There was a good 30 minutes of screaming before we wrestled him into the car.

Fortunately, eventually, we enjoyed our trip. When we got home, Eitan found the coasters he had thrown during one of his tantrums and quietly put them away. Then he said, “sorry I didn’t want to go to the farm, mama”. It might have been the wrong story, but it was the right sentiment!

Phrasing Thoughts


Since he was pretty small, Eitan called juice ‘jupe’. It is definitely his favorite drink, and he continues to call it jupe even though he can now pronounce the sound ‘s’. The other day he was helping me peel an orange and his finger punctured it. “Hmmmm, jupey!” was his reaction. It was great.

Questions Thoughts

The Bank

Eitan is playing with Dada’s wallet.

“What’s this?”

“That’s the bank card. It has our money in it.”

“I don’t see any money…”, as he flips it around to see it from all angles.


Growing Up

Sometimes, Eitan really surprises us. This was a chat I had during our Dada-son bonding time, aka the minutes after he had been put in his crib, aka the time he should already be sleeping.

Eitan: I want to be a grownup. Like you.

Dada: You’ll get there.

Eitan: When I’m grown up, I want to keep you forever.

Dada: Thanks, buddy. Me, too.

Eitan: And I want to keep Dodo forever.


Covid Testing

Dada: we have to do a Covid test on you
Eitan: don’t wanna!
Mama: we have to make sure you don’t have Covid!
Eitan: I have Covid! fake cough


The Power Outage

This evening, the power went out right as we were reading at bedtime. Ironically, we had just finished “Katy and the Big Snow” in which one of the plot lines involves downed utility poles.

After we got the home switched over to running on battery power, Eitan immediately switched from slightly frightened to inquisitive. He just had to know what happened.

One ritual Eitan and I have developed over the last year or so has been a man to man talk about literally anything after he is supposed to be asleep. This evening was no different.

Eitan: Why no power?

Me: There’s probably a pole down somewhere in Needham.

Eitan: Tomorrow, you draw me a map.

Me: A map of the power outage? Sure, bud.

Eitan: Need two pieces of paper.

Me: How about we start with one and go from there?

Eitan: Maybe two pieces. Needham big. Maybe three pieces, actually.

Kids are the best.


Dodo’s Origin Story

Eitan: “Dodo came out of my tummy”

Dada: “Is Dodo your baby?”

Eitan: “yuppie”